My Other Car is A…

My Other Car is A…

Don’t let anyone tell you where to live or what to ride. And if they don’t like you sprinkling glitter sparkles wherever you go, well, no one needs that kind of negativity! Take a ride on your unicorn today! Love, Jennifer P.S. VIDEO COACHING TOO! No one...
Pull the Cord!

Pull the Cord!

Holy smokes, we are reeeeeaaally being given the opportunity to exercise our mental parachute these days! There’s the usual: navigating everyday conversations with, you know, people – family, friends, coworkers, your auto mechanic… The...
You Make It All Better

You Make It All Better

This is not the time to sugar coat our situation, especially when the cure is keeping our distance at best and complete isolation at worst. How can we deal with loneliness, anxiety and generally keep from going stir crazy? What’s the cure for the cure? I say the...
Every Little Win

Every Little Win

All those little wins really add up – so don’t sell yourself short… “I washed the dishes!” “I finished that project!” “I binged the whole series!” “I kept my cool with that annoying person!” “I...
How Weird is This?

How Weird is This?

Sandra Yancey, fabulous founder of eWomen Network, quoted this in a webinar recently and I. Love. It! Her point (very loosely interpreted by me) is that when we feel like an oddity or others say our Big Dreams are crazy – don’t believe it! Truly,...

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