Holy smokes, we are reeeeeaaally being given the opportunity to exercise our mental parachute these days!
  • There’s the usual: navigating everyday conversations with, you know, people – family, friends, coworkers, your auto mechanic…
  • The situational: adjusting kindly to each other as we mingle again, air hugs and all…
  • And also the challenging: listening to and learning from our sisters and brothers who are initiating a worldwide wave of social change, the likes of which we haven’t seen in a generation.
We create a stronger community when we keep an open mind and are curious about other people’s experiences, yes? So let’s all pull the cord and learn something beautiful today!
P.S. VIDEO COACHING TOO! Need to open some space for new ideas and a new you? Time to pull the cord… Call me, and we’ll get it going. Schedule your Discovery Call today!

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