Mending My Ways!
Take THAT, perfectionism!!! If I could calculate how much time I've wasted trying to make something perfect and then not finishing it - or even starting it - ack! Yes, I admit I have a problem. You too? In fact, most of my clients find themselves in a pickle due to...

Thankful and Grateful
Today I wish you a heart full of blessings great and small!!! This is my favorite holiday, not at all because of pilgrims, but because it's all about gratitude. Topping my list of awesome things in my world is YOU - clients, friends and colleagues - for whom I am...

Extra! Extra!
While these are really good go-with-the-flow words to live by, it's not true that nothing last forever. I mean, whatever happens in the good news/bad news world around us... Your awesomeness is constant. And don't you forget it! Sending love and hugs to beautiful you!...

Loose Screws?
Psst, I've got a secret... Everybody's got a loose screw or two or a few, no matter how put together they might look. I guess you could say that each of us has our own unique brand of screwiness, am I right?! But the result is often that we tear ourselves down and...