Take THAT, perfectionism!!!
If I could calculate how much time I’ve wasted trying to make something perfect and then not finishing it – or even starting it – ack! Yes, I admit I have a problem. You too?
In fact, most of my clients find themselves in a pickle due to Perfection Paralysis and that’s why they call me. I tell them (and myself),
Good Enough is not a failure or giving up.
“It’s GOOD! and it’s enough.”
Enough time, energy and brain spinning spent.
Sandra Yancey, Founder of the eWomenNetwork says all the time, “Choose imperfect action over perfect inaction.” Hmmm… that might make a “perfect” tattoo ;-D
Taking my own advice, I’m going to stop fiddling with this Love Bomb and hit Send. Send with LOVE xoxo Jennifer

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