Summer’s almost here! The kids are out of school and temperatures are rising. Time to hit the road and head to Grandma’s house or Wally World or just… wherever the road takes you. Here are the things you need to think about before you hit the highway:

Here’s my Tucson Morning Blend Video link with all the cool stuff you need (and my silly face), or continue reading for the highlights…

CAR: Take it to the shop to be sure it’s road ready. Remember to check the spare tire too (in case you need it). Make sure you have a road tool kit and first aid kit. Check with your insurance company to see if they have roadside assistance on our policy or make sure your AAA is up to date.

STUFF: Can you believe I found a formula for EXACTLY how to pack your car?! (Yep. But that’s how I roll.)

  1. Where the adult in charge keeps their stuff
  2. Console with stuff that grownups need to hand out – wipes, chargers, medicines, etc.
  3. Trash bag or fancy car trash gadget that everyone can reach.
  4. Seat-back organizer for water bottles, tissues, pens, tablet and stuff that back seat passengers and little ones need at their fingertips.
  5. Personal bags/backpacks.
  6. Snacks and drinks. Use insulated bags, cooler cubes, whatever. Just watch the sugar!
  7. The mote! Placing a bin between kids whenever possible can help maintain personal space and keep the peace. Plus, it’s a good place to keep shared activities.
  8. Big stuff in the way back. Don’t overstuff the passenger area with things you don’t need while you are actually on the road.
Click here for that Morning Blend video again.

STOPS: Plan your stops for potty, stretching and to run off a little energy. Plan ahead some of the cool places of interest and be open to a little spontaneity – like when you see the sign for the World’s Largest Lint Ball.

ENTERTAINMENT: Depending on who’s along for the ride, you’ll need to plan age-appropriate activities from toddlers to teens. Please, take the experts’ advice and hold off on the electronics on trips shorter than 3 hours at least. Play games the old fashioned way – the Alphabet Game, Scavenger Hunt and all keep kids and adults engaged in what’s around them and educate without feeling like it. At a loss? Look online for printables you can take along. My Pinterest page has a ton for you.

Use real maps – not just your tiny Google map, so kids can see the Big Picture, track your route and see points of interest.

PETS: When you’re traveling with Fido, make sure the collar with up-to-date tags are on at all times! Make sure it has your cell phone, not house phone. Buy a new tag if you need to, big box pet stores have machines to make one in 3 minutes. Make sure someone reliable has firm control of the leash before you open the door. The elk in the field by the rest stop parking lot may be too tempting for Fido. Collapsible water bowl and poop bags are a must.

I have so much fun stuff on my My Pinterest Board for Family Road Trips and some other helpful articles for your trip planning pleasure!

In case you missed it, here’s my Morning Blend video again.


Love, Jennifer
Thank you, Tucson Container Store, for all the super-cool stuff I showed on my show!

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