What If “Getting Organized” Had the Power to Strengthen Your Personal Relationships & Fuel Your Professional Success?
Let me let you in on a lil’ secret: it totally has that kind of power.
Here’s how I help your audience get started…
• Dispel the shame around “mess.” Using my own self-work and story, I make it relatable + possible to get clear and organized – without a second of judgement or guilt.
• Uncover what your piles and possessions are really telling you! How your closet, office, room in your home – even “that” drawer in your kitchen can be a powerful tool that heals your past and ignites your present.
• Immediately save you time and money. Disorganization costs you money. Period. Smart and savvy ways to create change so your space always helps your success – and never hinders it!
• Bring a fresh and down-to-earth approach to creating better systems for your home or office with enthusiasm, energy, and a whole lotta’ humor (and more than a few corny jokes)!
• Introduce a doable 4-Tier Signature Process to get you crystal clear about your story, your stuff, your space – and your vision to create a space that will amaze you – even in the dark!
When you get real about saying goodbye (and good riddance!) to a soul-sucking space, it ricochets into your entire life for a confidence and productivity you’ve never felt before. And it’s more than just clearing the clutter. It’s about understanding what your space is telling you and using it as rocket fuel for personal growth and professional success.
Reinvent your space – reinvent yourSELF!
List of Speaking Engagements
Featured Speaker
eWomenNetwork Las Vegas
eWomenNetwork Phoenix/Scottsdale
eWomenNetwork R.I.S.E. Panel
Arizona Association of Interior Designers Panel
Women’s Financial Network
Moms Matter
Tucson Connect
Ell Real Estate Group Client Night
Greater Vail Chamber
Health & Wellness Marketplace Group
Networking Entrepreneurs of Tucson
Zanta Group
Foster Grandparents
Boys’ Team Charity
National Charity League
Good to GLAM Professional Women’s Group
Tucson Morning Blend in-house organizing expert since 2012
Mistress of Ceremonies
Tony Robbins Peak Performance Workshop (Tucson)
Power Up 2016 Women in Business Workshop
Conferences & Seminars
4th Annual Women in Business Conference 2018
F.I.R.E Seminar
4th Annual Women in Business Conference
Arizona State Home Show
Radio and Podcasts
Idea Home Improvement
Tracy Cox Vibrational Change
Blonde Bombshell Podcast
Turn Knowledge to Profit Podcast
Tucson RadioX with Mark Bishop
No Glass Ceiling with Mark Bishop
Maegan Watson: Watson Style Group
Events and Meetings
Arizona Home Show featured presenter (3 years)
Boys Team Charity
Citron Series
eWomen Network Phoenix Chapter
Good to GLAM Professional Women’s Group
Health and Wellness Marketing Group
Junior League
Mom’s Matter
National Charity League
Networking Entrepreneurs of Tucson
Vail Chamber
Women’s Financial Group
Women’s Vision
Articles and Guest Blogs
Houzz contributor 2013-15
Vail Voice guest contributor since 2017
Pottery Barn Blog Inside & Out
Ms. Fix-It’s Basic Tool Training for Women and Girls
Girl Scouts
Catalina Community School
Pima Community College Continuing Ed
Declutter for Less Stress & More Freedom (in your space & in your life!)
I was a guest presenter at the SAHBA Home Show on 4-14-19 talking about how to declutter for less stress and more freedom. What are you doing that gets in the way of you living your fullest life? It’s the “Stuff” that’s in the way of what’s important. Even with a mindset that “things of value aren’t considered clutter”, they can impede living a fun and stressless life.
Click on the video to hear more!
Word on the Street About Me as A Keynote Speaker
“I have been privileged to have Jennifer speak at several events on different topics including decluttering your home, your space, and your life! We’ve learned so much from her educating talks about how the things and people you allow into your space directly impact your effectiveness, emotions and ability to work and live in a more productive manner. As an emcee for our larger events. I asked Jennifer to be this important figure as it sets the stage, energy and enthusiasm for the event, which she offers in a way no one else can! I would highly recommend Jennifer Phelps for anyone looking for a dynamic, motivational and inspirational speaker. The audience will always walk away with valuable information they can use and a feeling of being wowed by not only her information but also her inspiration.” – J. Phillips, CEO Gateway Coaching and Consulting and Founder Good to Glam Women’s Professional Organization
I went to a one hour presentation given by Jennifer and learned so much about how to declutter! She made me feel comfortable about getting rid of some of my junk and taught me how to figure out what I should keep vs. toss. She’s a fun person to listen to and gives such great advice. I would love to work with her someday on organizing my house. Her before and after pictures are amazing! – Lisa Bermudez Benson
Thank you, Jennifer, what a fantastic presentation! I learned a lot. It’s good to know that someone like you is out there teaching people about the spiritual and space connection. Love that! – Beth Anne King, Tucson Connect
Many thanks for a presentation that went above and beyond expectations. Your insights about our relationship to our “stuff” were really eye-opening, and your methods for dealing with clutter and sorting out piles were simple and practical… Thanks again for a giving a fabulous and insightful look into how our thought processes get in the way of organizing our life.
– The Beta Group