How Weird is This?

How Weird is This?

Sandra Yancey, fabulous founder of eWomen Network, quoted this in a webinar recently and I. Love. It! Her point (very loosely interpreted by me) is that when we feel like an oddity or others say our Big Dreams are crazy – don’t believe it! Truly,...
Sinking Ship

Sinking Ship

When it feels like you’re barely keeping afloat, tossing on the waves of life, when you’re taking on water and feel you’re going down, do these two things 1) plug the leaks that let in the drama and 2) bail, Baby, bail! Because YOU are the Captain of...
Look on the Bright Side

Look on the Bright Side

Confession: Sometimes I have a hard time seeing the good things in my life. There. I said it. The dark side can really get a grip on my attention. But here’s the thing: The bright side is ALWAYS just. right. there. and all I have to do is turn my darn head to...
You Are Worth It

You Are Worth It

Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. How often do we listen to other people’s negative assessment of us? Worse is when we believe it! It starts when we’re too young to know the difference and then we spend...
Do It Anyway

Do It Anyway

Make 2 lists: one of what’s best for you and another of who wouldn’t like it. Then do it anyway. Because anyone who would object to you being happy isn’t worth your love or sacrifice. Your True Tribe with support the hell outta you. Here’s to...

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