About Jennifer Phelps

Jennifer Phelps is the owner of Jennifer Phelps: Organize. Design. Reinvent!, which helps her clients create beautiful, organized and inspiring spaces. After working for 15 years as an instructor, administrator, speaker, and practitioner in the natural health and wellness field, as well as studying human nature and self-awareness practices of Eastern and Western philosophies, she realized a common thread among all people – when you tackle your space, it impacts your entire life – health, relationships, career, self-worth – and beyond.
Through redefining, organization, design inspiration, and lifestyle assessment, Jennifer incorporates her 4-Tier Signature process that helps you create a home or office that supports your success and reflects your very best self – a place you love and can thrive in, both personally and professionally. She believes that when you reinvent your space you reinvent yourSELF!
Known for her humor and down-to-earth approach, Jennifer is also the “in-house” Organizing Expert on KGUN9’s Tucson Morning Blend, a contributor to Houzz online design magazine and the Vail Voice. She has also been a featured presenter at the Arizona Home Show and President of Tucson Professional Organizers. You can also read her simple tips on her blog entitled “Because Life Is Messy: A Survival Guide.”
Meet Me
After personally rebuilding and reinventing myself, I know, first hand, how overwhelming it can feel to take that first step. After my life completely imploded – losing my mate, home, and my job all at the same time – I had to transform that experience into a place of renewal and confidence. So I started with my space. Because after working for 15 years as an instructor and practitioner in the natural health and wellness field, I realized a common thread for all of us: when we reinvent our environment, it impacts our entire life – health, relationships, career, self-worth, and beyond.
And that’s exactly what I help people do. I understand there are many things that can make “home” a sticky place: a busy career, move, health issues, starting or ending a relationship, painful personal story, or just… LIFE.
That’s why I work to transform your home or office into a space of rest, rejuvenation and strength. To help you understand that “stuff” is more than that – it’s memories, events and people unprocessed. Through redefining, organizing, design inspiration, and lifestyle assessment, I personally and honestly guide my clients to better identify the overt and subconscious messages their space is radiating. Together, using my 4-Tier Signature Process, we create a beautiful, stress-free space you love and can thrive in, both personally and professionally.