Holy smokes, I just did my Tucson Morning Blend segment on how to pack for a 2 week trip. I had so much to share and TOTALLY ran out of time. I guess I overpacked (my segment *hee hee*). Sooooo… here is the video segment link and a quick review of my notes below so you don’t miss a thing.

Yes, I really AM going on a two week trip, to Europe, in fact, and international travel has its own requirements. And while you may very well say, “Aw, hell no!” (actual quote from Tina Jennigns, Morning Blend host) to my super-compact packing tips and opt to take a bigger suitcase (or two), you can use these basic tips and tricks for any long trips, especially overseas or cruising.

How to best plan and pack for your trip

Weather: As best you can, check what the average weather will be so you can plan footwear, layers and outerwear accordingly. The closer you get to the date, the more accurate the report will be. Just Google “Prague weather in April” or whatever.

Activities: This is where you try not to stuff your suitcase to bursting with “what ifs.” Disneyland? Beach? Shorts, tanks and sneaks. Lots of haute couture and dining out? Yes, you’ll need the fancy stuff and heels. Need excellent footwear for touring cobblestone streets? Plan accordingly and be realistic about your plans. Remember, you’re going to a different place to experience different things. Allow yourself to be a different self a little bit too.

Toiletries & Amenities: Most decent hotels or ships will provide shampoo, soap and lotions so, unless you’re married to your brand, you can leave the bottles at home. Also, hairdryers. Here’s an article with more on “What Not To Pack”. Streamline your cosmetics, skin care and hair regime just for the trip.  P.S. Ask about laundry services offered by the hotel or ship!

Clothes out for travel day: Plan ahead and set aside your clothes for travel day.

Carry On:

  • Documents – Make sure that all important travel docs are in your hot little hands. Print everything if you can’t be certain of wifi to pull them up when needed, especially when traveling internationally.
  • Comfort items – tissues, cough drops, gum, toothpicks, Tylenol, allergy meds for the unfamiliar flora at your destination, etc. Make sure all prescription meds are with you, in case you get separated from your suitcase.
  • 3-1-1 – Liquids in 1 quart bag, all in 3oz or less containers. Here’s my 4-1-1 on the 3-1-1.
  • Technology/Book – Load up your Kindle and tablet. Pack chargers and back up batteries too. Domestic flights, no biggie. International flights, well, maybe bring an actual book too, just in case you run out of juice or can’t get online.
  • Booties/Blanket – I’m a sucker for soft comfies on long flights.

Purse: Clean it out! I lost my best Buck Knife (and a totally non-threatening pie server, if you can believe it!), thanks to TSA.

Print copies of these documents: Travel itinerary, hotel/cruise/event confirmation numbers, passport photo page, driver’s license, credit card/s, prescriptions, emergency contact numbers and any other essential documents. Pack these separately from the originals, in case they get lost or stolen.

Clothes: Clothes that mostly mix and match. Think super-versatility. Think Garanimals! We plan to avail ourselves of the laundry service halfway through the trip, so easy peasy. I recommend NOT buying a bunch of new stuff for a trip, unless you’ve had a chance to wear them once before you leave. Few things are less fun than trying to have fun when your clothes make you feel self-conscious and your new shoes give you blisters. Let your motto be “Limit is Freedom.” Here’s what I packed for my 13 days of international travel with river cruise – in one, medium-sized suitcase.

  • 10 tops
  • 5 pants, soft and rollable
  • 1 travel-proven skirt
  • 6 tanks/layers
  • 4 cardigans/layers
  • 1 dinner dress
  • 8 undies, 2 bras
  • 2 jammie sets
  • 1 swim suit
  • 2 scarves
  • 2 jackets
  • 2 pair shoes: remember you’re wearing the 3rd pair on the plane
  • Toiletries/First Aid (think blisters from all that walking)
  • Jewelry
  • Shoes in bags
  • Tools (never travel without a corkscrew, small blade and screwdriver in your checked bag!)

Here’s my video and blog about How To Pack a Suitcase and tips for the Wrinkle-Free Roll-Up.

Gadgets for Squeezing 10lbs of Mud Into a 5lb Sack


  • Name Tags on your bags!
  • Copies of credit cards, passport and emergency contacts in your bags, in case you lose the originals, God forbid.
  • Strap your suitcases so they don’t explode in New York on the way to Rome
  • Alert your credit card company and your home security company that you’re traveling.

Souvenirs: We’ll bring an empty duffle bag in our suitcase. That saves us the airline fee on a second bag on the way over. Then we can put soft clothes in the duffle coming back with any breakable souvenirs in the suitcase – just the one fee coming home.

Here’s that here is the video segment link again, in case you missed it. That’s it, I’m outta here – I’ve got a plane to catch!
Happy travels, Jennifer

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