Most people think of clutter as just a house problem, but did you know it’s also a health problem?

Simply put, the more stuff you have, the harder it is to clean those shelves, books, stacks of whatever, electronics and cords, under beds, behind furniture and, of course, aaaaalllll those knick knacks a.k.a. “dust collectors.”

(Morning Blend video segment here!)

Dust, Mold & Mites

This dust is made up of our own personal combo of dirt, mold, human and pet dander and mites. It aggravates allergies, respiratory and immune system issues for people and fur babies alike (here’s the science: super interesting and super gross). Air conditioning and heating whip up that ambient mess, as do dirty ceiling fans blowing above our bed 6-8 hours each night. *gasp* *wheeze* *cough* *sniffle*

Clutter also affects accessibility for older people, literally making it harder to get around and can be a fall hazard.

So clear clutter so you can dust and vacuum all those nooks and crannies. Remember to change your air filters frequently and do NOT tell me, “I can’t reach my filter ‘cuz there’s too much stuff in the way.”

Exercise & Diet

Clutter also affects our exercise and eating habits. Psychological studies show that clutter makes us feel stressed, overwhelmed and more likely to say, “Forget it, I’ll just binge watch and eat ice cream.”

I once did a photo contest “What’s on Your Treadmill?” Stating the obvious, if your treadmill is covered with clothes and you can’t find your yoga mat, you aren’t going to use them. Clutter triggers our guilt/shame cycle so, before we know it, we’re right back on that couch.

Here’s the kicker – shedding clutter can help you shed pounds! Almost everyone has, from time to time, gone out to eat, run through the fast food, or just microwaved prepared foods because the kitchen was too messy to cook. But even I was surprised at the number of studies on the correlation between clutter and weight. There’s even a book called Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? Emotionally, we hang on to “stuff” in our home and on our bodies. The stress causes us to crave fat, carbs and sugar, so it makes sense that a fresh, clean kitchen encourages fresh, clean eating.


Clearing clutter can help you be healthier from the inside out AND the outside in! Give me a call (or click here) and we’ll start your Healthy Clutter Cleanse.

(Here’s that Morning Blend video link again!)

Love, Jennifer

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