New Year is Looking Up
Okay, so I'm generally a little clumsy and really do need to watch where I'm going. But (confession here) I can get waaaaaay too fixated on looking down at just what's right in front of me. It skews my perspective toward the small. I start missing out on the Beauty...
Try This!
It's a brand spankin,' shiny new year, and I KNOW you've got that little UMPH in you! Here's to love, friendship and try-umph in 2020! Jennifer P.S. If you're feeling a bit low on UMPH, let's find it together! Schedule your Discovery Call today!
Sinking Ship
When it feels like you're barely keeping afloat, tossing on the waves of life, when you're taking on water and feel you're going down, do these two things 1) plug the leaks that let in the drama and 2) bail, Baby, bail! Because YOU are the Captain of your ship and YOU...
Totally Bananas
The Universe is sending you happy messages all day, every day. Sometimes it's just a shift in perspective that leads to a shift in outlook. Even this banana wants to help you to turn that frown upside down! Sending YOU miles of smiles! Jennifer P.S. Does your space...