Well, it happened. Yesterday I turned 50. It was awesome!
The party was amazing. My sneaky man was amazing, surprising me by having my Dad and Sister fly in from Chicago in cahoots with my super Mom and friend-accomplices too.
So many people came to our not-so-little shindig or sent me birthday blessings that I was utterly overwhelmed with love and appreciation.
Honestly, letting in all that love was a challenge for me. I had to keep pinching myself, to stop, look around and soak it in – to let myself feel and absorb the fact that some of the most fabulous people I know were there to pile all this goodness on me. I talked and chatted and hugged and laughed (a lot!) and every moment was on the verge of happy, happy tears.
I almost didn’t even have a party. I mean, why? It’s just another birthday, 50th or no, right? But I thought back over the last decade alone and realized I HAD to celebrate, damn it!
You see, 10 years ago, just before my 40th birthday, my life imploded. I had lost it all: a 14 year relationship, my home, my work, my community, my purpose and my identity along with it. I thought it couldn’t get any worse, but it did until 5 years ago I declared bankruptcy and had only $50 to my name.
But also 10 years ago I was liberated from an unhappy life. I discovered a brand new purpose and started building a life and a business that’s meaningful to me. And 5 years ago I began a new relationship with the greatest guy ever!
When I talk to my clients about reinventing yourself, I know what it means because I’ve done it. I know that you can be a good and responsible person – a professional person – living through difficult times. I know now that I am resourceful and resilient and that the smallest spark in our darkest time can light our brightest future.
So, at 50 I’m looking back on my life and feeling proud, grateful and utterly optimistic. Even though it’s my birthday, my gift to you is encouraging you to mine YOUR story for buried treasure and celebrate YOUR victories too!
That’s the end of my Big 5-0 treatise – thank you for being a blessing in my life today and every day!
With love, Jennifer